Palladium Rings

Palladium is a type of precious metal from the Platinum Group Metal, has a natural lustrous white color and a high level of pavement.  Palladium rings are very suitable for Muslim couples because palladium rings can be used as an alternative to making wedding rings besides gold.

In addition to gold and silver rings, palladium rings can be used as an option for couples who are choosing a wedding ring.  Especially in Islam, men are not allowed to wear rings made of gold, so apart from rings made of silver, palladium can also be used as a ring material for men.  Palladium wedding rings may sound familiar to some of you.  For this reason, this time we will discuss about the palladium ring and its advantages and disadvantages.

 What is Palladium?

Palladium (Pd) is a silver metal that has a rare white color and is also shiny.  Palladium is able to change the color of gold from yellow to white.  When at ordinary temperatures, palladium can withstand corrosion in air.  Palladium is able to absorb hydrogen at a higher rate.  Palladium is a precious metal that is included in the platinum group of metals.  Palladium has anti-allergic and anti-oxidation properties.  Therefore, palladium rings are more suitable when used as wedding rings for men because they are more resistant to various masculine activities and their luster is more preserved.

Palladium Ring Pros and Cons

For more details about palladium rings, we will discuss more about the advantages and disadvantages of palladium rings.

The Pros of Palladium Rings

When compared to other metals, for example, such as silver, palladium has several advantages, namely:

 1. White color sparkles naturally

Palladium rings have a naturally shiny white color so they don't need to be plated to make them sparkle.

 2. Does not fade easily

Palladium rings do not change color or wear off easily, even when worn for a long time.

 3. Easy to clean

Palladium rings can be easily cleaned with just warm water and a soft cloth.

 4. Light weight

Palladium rings have a lighter weight when compared to the other member metals of platinum.  So palladium rings are very comfortable to wear.

 5. Economical

Pallatium is a lightweight metal, so the price of pallatium rings is cheaper than white gold.  The price range for palladium rings is 200 thousand to 250 thousand per gram with a content of 50 percent.

 6. Non Allergy

Palladium rings can be used as an alternative choice for those of you who have very sensitive skin.

 7. Durable

Rings made from palladium have a resistance up to 15 percent higher than rings made from white gold.  This is why palladium rings are very durable and not easily damaged.

 Disadvantages of Palladium Rings

Besides having many advantages palladium rings also have disadvantages.  The disadvantages of palladium rings include:

 1. Not yet popular

Not all jewelers will accept palladium rings to resell.  This is because palladium rings are not as popular as gold rings.

The ring material derived from palladium is still common in our society.

 2. More Expensive than the Silver Ring

During the process of making wedding rings, the level of palladium used is generally only 50%, then mixed with silver and alloys.  This is due to the nature of palladium which is too hard so that it is very difficult to form if the levels are 100%.

When compared to rings made of silver, palladium rings are more expensive.

Palladium rings are very suitable for Muslim couples because palladium rings can be used as an alternative to making wedding rings besides gold.  In addition, the price of palladium rings is more affordable, so palladium wedding rings are perfect for those of you who have a small budget but want good quality.
